Were you put-off when told to make a list of everyone you know and to contact them about your products or opportunity? You know that you’ve contacted them so many times that they avoid you when they see you coming?

This is exactly how I felt prior to getting involved with HelixLife. I can explain the difference.
In the past, I was told that the supplements that I offered were for a variety of benefits… and I just had to trust that they were having an effect on my body based on the ingredient list and the results from testing. Other than weight-loss products, I never felt any difference.
However, when I applied the Helix Gel, I felt a difference within seconds. There was a lift in my mood, a calmness with a release of stress, and a renewed focus in my thinking.
I also began taking the STEM, and within 4 days, I noticed that the pain in my shoulders was gone… a pain that I had experienced for the last few years, sometimes waking me up in the middle of the night, forcing me to take a pain pill in order to get back to sleep.
I tried the KeTO program with KeTO1 & KeTO2 capsules. There were no jitters and I wasn’t hungry. I didn’t need to lose much weight,, but I’m down 11 pounds after just over a month.
I bought the under-the-counter energized water filtration unit and I was able to quit purchasing spring water at the grocery store. The energized water also cut my coffee habit in half. The water perked me up as well as did a cup of coffee.
My experience on these products has allowed me to tell everyone about my experience, without fear of rejection. I’m not trying to talk anyone into buying anything. I just share my story, usually just of pain relief, and they start telling me about their pain or someone else they know who could use these products. I offer a 5 day sample of STEM and they come back to purchase. It’s now just that simple!
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