I looked in the mirror and noticed that my belly wasn’t as small as I had remembered. Our scales had quit working and I hadn’t bothered getting a new set, and when I stepped on the freight scales at work (fully clothed, of course), it said that I was 187 pounds. Maybe it was time to start paying attention, which meant getting a new set of scales for home.

I didn’t join HelixLife for the KeTO, but I found out for myself… It works great!
I purchased the scales and ordered my KeTO1 and KeTO2. I weighed in to begin my challenge at 181.6 pounds, weighing first thing in the morning when I woke up. I only wanted to get down to around 170, even though a doctor would say that for my height, I probably should be looking at 165.
I really didn’t have a mind-set for dieting but I knew that I needed to lose some weight before it got out of control. I also had just started to market HelixLife products and I had experienced wonderful results with the STEM and the Helix Gel… so it was important to try out the KeTO as well.
You are supposed to stay with a high fat, low carb and low protein menu. It is also recommended that you do some fasting, keeping your window for eating to a minimum. (i.e. Not eating for at least 16 hours.) For my first day, I wanted to ease into the program, so I really didn’t restrict my diet very much. I did cut out bread and chose not to snack in the evening.
By the second day, I had lost a pound and I wasn’t hungry, so I skipped breakfast and never really missed not eating. Over the first five days, I lost 5 pounds and I thought “This is just too easy.” Then I didn’t lose for a few days and someone told me that if I wasn’t sticking to the correct menu, I wouldn’t really be getting my body into ketosis… which basically means that you are burning fat instead of sugar.
After about 30 days, I was down 10 pounds, weighing in at 171.6, so I stopped taking the supplement to see what happened. Over the next week, I was struggling a little on the non-snacking rule. I bumped up a pound so I decided to start back on the KeTO1 & KeTO2. I don’t know a lot about the ingredients, but I do know that they contain cordyceps, which enhances your mood. I was also using the Helix Gel, and it lifts your mood as well, so I really wasn’t a grouch while on this program.
Within a couple of days, I had dropped to 170.6, and I was feeling fine. That’s where I am now, so I’ll update my story again soon.
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